Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was enacted in 1978 in response to a crisis affecting American Indian and Alaska Native children, families, and tribes. Studies revealed that large numbers of Native children were being separated from their parents, extended families, and communities by state child welfare and private adoption agencies. In fact, research found that 25–35% of all Native children were being removed; of these, 85% were placed outside of their families and communities—even when fit and willing relatives were available.
ICWA was crafted to address some of the most longstanding and egregious removal practices specifically targeting Native children. Among its added protections for Native children, ICWA requires caseworkers to make several considerations when handling an ICWA case, including:
  1. Participate in case planning and court proceedings- monitor for accuracy of information.
  2. Identifying a placement that fits under the ICWA preference provisions;
  3. Speak up and advocate on behalf of our Tribal children. Communicate community standards and make sure ICWA is followed.
  4. Help locate a qualified expert witness.
If the referral is an Immediate or Emergency response (24hrs) Call Santa Rosa Tribal Office at
(951) 659-2700
Mon–Fri 7am–5pm, orCall Alyssa Gray (951) 440-7033When a Home Visit is needed: Schedule with an ICWA Delegate at min 4 hours’ notice for travel time due to being rural. 
When accessing the reservation during business hours you must check in with the front office. If an ICWA Delegate is not available a Tribal Council member will meet you to escort, you on the reservation. 
After business hours an ICWA Delegate or a Tribal Council member will meet you in front of the Administration Office.
Accessing the reservation without an escort is prohibited.

ICWA Delegates

Lead Point of Contact:
Alyssa Lauture
Office: 951-659-2700
Cell phone: 951-440-7033

Xochiquetzal Amador-Smith 

Veronica Saul

65199 Highway 74
Mountain Center, CA 92561

Tribal Office Hours

Mon-Thur 7:00am-5:00pm

65199 Highway 74
Mountain Center, CA 92561

Tribal Office Hours

Mon-Thur 7:00am-5:00pm

65199 Highway 74
Mountain Center, CA 92561

Tribal Office Hours

Mon-Thur 7:00am-5:00pm