Tribal Administration

The Santa Rosa Tribal Administration Offices are located on the Santa Rosa Reservation. The Tribal Administration Office is open Monday–Thursday from 7:00 AM–5:00 PM. Tribal Administration provides general administrative services for the Reservation, including grant administration, Tribal Member services, and other general inquiries.Vanessa Minott

Tribal Administration
951-659-2700 ext 102Joenie Miranda
Tribal Administrative assistant
951-659-2700 ext 105Vacant
Tribal Receptionist
951-659-2700 ext 100
Cyndie Sawyer-Shea
951-659-2700 ext 111


Finances are overseen by Tribal Administration. The Financial Office is responsible for the general accounting of Tribal Finances, including the Reservation Budget, grant awards, and financial requests for Tribal Members. Tribal Members can submit forms for requests such as Education Assistance and Youth Assistance.Melinda Flaxbeard
(951) 659-2700 ext 106Rebecca Freeman
(951) 659-2700 ext 103

Public Works

The Public Works Department is overseen by Tribal Administration. Public Works consists of the Public Works Supervisor, Public Works Laborer, Maintenance Worker, and the Groundskeeper.Martin Valdez
Public Works Supervisor
951-659-2700Joseph Saul
Public Works Laborer
PWLaborer@santarosa-nsn.govDonald Kitchen
Public Works LaborerGary Meyers Jr
Public Works Laborer


The Santa Rosa Tribal Library originated in the Santa Rosa Tribal Hall Building in 2011. The library has educational games and educational learning tools to stimulate learning, a wide variety of books for all interests including Cultural Books for children, youth, and adults. There is a Computer Lab for the youth with educational materials to expand learning skills. The Tribal Librarian hosts monthly events for the children to stimulate interests in reading, writing and our Cahuilla Language. For more information on Library events please see the Santa Rosa Monthly Calendar.

Library hours are Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

Jeanian Espinoza
Tribal Librarian
951-659-2700, ext 108

65199 Highway 74
Mountain Center, CA 92561

Tribal Office Hours

Mon-Thur 7:00am-5:00pm

65199 Highway 74
Mountain Center, CA 92561

Tribal Office Hours

Mon-Thur 7:00am-5:00pm

65199 Highway 74
Mountain Center, CA 92561

Tribal Office Hours

Mon-Thur 7:00am-5:00pm